Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 30th: Re-create Your Favorite!

Here I will post my Tenth day manicure, a re-creation of my favorite manicure...whether it is one *I* did or one someone *else* did for the challenge.  Hot & Cold Puzzle Piece manicure!  :D

I am still wavering a bit on this one.

Should I do the shimmery base with the glitter "french" like Kara's at Never Gonna Give You Up?
Or should I do this very fun "steamy, swirly" manicure like Sheila's at Nail Engineer?
>>>Will I pull off this manicure as well as Shea did at OMG Wait What Polish IS That!?

I love all of these.  But I have been wanting to put my own spin on the one like Shea did for some time now after seeing it online.  I am pretty sure I know how to do it...and I am going to do it WITHOUT a tutorial (I know, I'm living dangerously).  :D


Ok, so here we go.  This is my starting photo, plain polish in red...nothing hard here:

I used: WnW I Red A Good Book


Then, I used the OPI Suzi Says Feng Shui on the diagonal for the tips. I free-handed the diagonals, but then I'm pretty decent at straight lines free-hand...I know some people aren't, so some sort of tape (nail tape or scotch tape) with work for this step to create a nice clean line.

I meant to take a photo of the half-way point, but that didn't happen...soooo...moving on...


Then, I put the dots of red on the blue, and blue dots on the red on each side of the diagonal.  Does that make sense?  You create a sort of "puzzle piece" feel, which is what I think I will call this manicure. (not sure what the name is actually)

(Click photo to see bigger)

I used: WnW I Red A Good Book and OPI Suzi Says Feng Shui

(Click photo to see bigger)

You can see where I had to do heavier dots of red to make it less transparent.  You should really use a creme versus a crelly (creme-jelly hybrid) for this...which technically the WnW is in one coat. Two coats becomes Opaque creme...


And that's it.  What do YOU think?  Did I nail it or not?  What would you have done differently?  Are the colors good?  I tried to use contrasting colors so that it would REALLY show up well in photos, but I am not sure if the colors stayed true.

This is also the last day.  I am so sad that this challenge is over and I look forward to a Christmas challenge, though I haven't decided who I'm going with for December.  I want one that doesn't start until December 1st so I can take a little break.  :D

1 comment:

  1. I love the color combo! I think these turned out really nice! I enjoyed seeing all your designs throughout the challenge! I am also itching to try a Christmas challenge, but I am not sure I can commit to a lengthy one.
